ARTICLE: Fury as May announces she’ll disband child sex abuse inquiry panel –...
Home Secretary Theresa May is to disband the panel for the overarching inquiry into child sex abuse, according to Exaro News.She wrote to each member of the panel at the end of last week to say that...
View ArticleARTICLE: VIP child abuse whistleblowers were ‘murdered': MP says men were...
MP says two VIP child abuse whistleblowers may have been ‘murdered’ John Mann passed detectives information about two suspicious deaths The men were allegedly poised to lift the lid on Westminster sex...
View ArticleVIDEO: While ‘Government$’ Lead, our Arses Bleed
The Lib-Lab-Con is stealing from you and your family and from families yet to come. Remember this at the ballot box in May 2015 and retaliate by clearing out these parasites. GOVERNMENT: “PARASITE: A...
View Article(2014) Conservative Party -M.P.’s Paedo Half-brother -JAILED FOR 13 YEARS FOR...
Charles Napier conducted ‘abuse campaign’ at school where he worked 67-year-old groomed and assaulting 21 victims aged as young as eight Napier, of Dorset, earned nickname ‘rapier Napier’ at...
View Article(2014) Labour and Green Party-Affiliated Facebook Group calls for UKIP Shop...
Hat tip: A Facebook group run by a Green Parliamentary Candidate, a Welsh Scottish Nationalist and a Labour...
View ArticleARTICLE and VIDEO: Two more ministers accused in the VIP child abuse scandal:...
Two politicians join 22 others named in allegations of abuse in 1980s Form part of powerful ring of Westminster paedophiles, it is claimed MP John Mann said he was approached by victim who says he...
View ArticleARTICLE and VIDEO: ‘Britain may call off Westminster child sex abuse inquiry’
Reports say the British Home Secretary has considered disbanding an investigation into allegations of child sex abuse by Westminster lawmakers. A confidential letter from the Home Secretary, Theresa...
View Article(Mon 8th June, 2015) ARTICLE and VIDEO: MI5 blackmailed politician child sex...
Some reports suggest that the British Security Service, MI5, shielded pedophile politicians from prosecution to blackmail them back in the 1970s. “There’s now substantial evidence that the Security...
View Article(Tue 9/6/15) Article: Expenses and sex scandal deleted from MPs’ Wikipedia...
The Expenses Scandal 2009: Remember all these crimes committed that we the People would have been imprisoned for? References to ‘chauffeur-driven cars’ and a criminal...
View Article14/6/15: ARTICLE: U.K. Squanders £5.2 million of YOUR Money on Foreign...
Former foreign secretary spent four days hosting London summit last year But no summit on the 1,400 children who were raped and sexually abused in Britain. Food bill came to £299,000 while taxis,...
View Article(10/1/16) ARTICLE: The Tory Empire of Porn and Perversion
Did you know that British Prime Minister David Cameron is closely associated with Jewish pornographers and their families and that the entire British government is surrounded by a sickly aroma of smut...
View ArticleTories Fail to Block Investigation
The Tory who stopped Nigel Farage winning in Thanet South has failed to block police extending the time available for their investigation of his election expenses spending. Why did the Tories try to...
View ArticleReferendum Fraud: EU Citizens Given Polling Cards
Multiple reports are emerging that EU citizens have been sent polling cards despite not having a vote in the referendum. Jakub Pawlowski, a Polish citizen living in Kingston, Surrey, tells Guido: “I...
View Article(2016) Conservatives: David Cameron’s former aide Patrick Rock guilty of...
A former aide to Prime Minister David Cameron has been found guilty of five counts of making indecent photographs of children. Patrick Rock faced 20 charges of making an indecent photograph of a...
View Article(2016) Lib-Dem MP Nick Clegg: Financial Fraud
Guido can reveal that Nick Clegg overspent by £17,652 in his Sheffield Hallam short campaign, then cooked the books so his declarations came in under the limit. Clegg’s official declarations claim he...
View ArticleARTICLE: Oppression Finally Arrives in the British Police State
Hat-tip: “Over generations, we in Britain have built something extraordinary: a successful multi-racial, multi-faith...
View ArticleVIDEO: Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson Forcefully Confronted on the Streets by...
Filed under: New Labour Tagged: "British" Government, Abuse, BBC, Cancer, Child Abuse, Children, Corrupt Politicians, Crime, Jeremy Corbyn, Joe Anderson, Liverpool, Mayor of Liverpool, New Labour,...
View Article(2016) Liberal Democrat Clement Freud -PAEDOPHILE
Sir Clement Freud, the former broadcaster and politician, was exposed on Tuesday night as a paedophile who sexually abused girls as young as 10 for decades. Freud, who died in 2009, spent years...
View ArticleARTICLE: How Chilcot will whitewash the Iraq War
Hat tip: The long awaited report from the UK government’s inquiry into the decision to go to war in Iraq is going to be...
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